Saturday 19 September 2015

Back to school advice!

Hi Everyone
So, since a lot of people have gone back to school this September I thought I would give you some advice.


If you are getting bullied in school or just anywhere really, you NEED to tell someone!!
Even if it is just people calling you names you still have to tell someone. The best people to tell are your Parents and your teachers. If you are quite shy and don't want to tell your teachers in person then just write them a letter or you could get your parents to tell them.


In school I am sure that we all get homework! and we hate it! What I would recommend doing is as soon as you get home do all of the homework that you got given on that day. Then, once you have finished your homework you will still have lots of time to spend with your family!


So, you have a big test coming up! Need to study, but can't be bothered. Well why don't you try and make studying fun! You are probably saying that studying cannot be fun! But, if you think you can make studying be fun! To make studying fun just listen to your favourite songs, study with your friends and you could even have some snacks with you, as studying can be hard work.


You might be moving into high school and you will must likely be really scared!! Well, I am In year 8 so I know how you are feeling! There is no need to be scared! It might be a big change to you, but when you get used to it, You will be fine!!Also, there is no need to worry about being alone and having no friends, Because trust me you will make lots of new friends! High school is also the time that you realise who your true friends are! All of your friends from primary school will change and not be the person you thought they was. But, don't worry you will have new friends! Real friends!

So, thank you for reading todays post! I really hope that this advice helped you! If there is anything that you need advice on then just comment what you need help on and I will give everyone advice on what they want advice on in a post!

BYE xx 


  1. Blogger buddies! Same template and everything!❤️ Love this so much x
